Sunday, November 28, 2010

Money & Movin'

I'm sitting on a bed back in Monrovia, Ca, after a whirlwind week. Right now the window is open and I'm wearing only shorts. 24 hours ago I was bundled under 6 blankets in sweats and my toes curled listening to the freezing rain pelt the window.

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, I need to buckle down and do two things:

1- Make money
2 - Find a house

The money thing struck me tonight when I felt the sting of having a bit less $$ (moolah) than I'd anticipated. You know that sharp reality that pinches the back of your neck when you half-committedly glance at your bank account after a week of being on the road, then cringe, then do a double take and say "Wait, what?" then scroll up and down in disbelief repeating "this can't be right" until you accept that you've done this to yourself, then start frantically thinking about how you can make money in the fastest, mostly-legal ways possible? Yeah. That.

So I said aloud in my car "time to get to WORK"

By the way, last night I had jalapeno beer. It was amazing.

Now onto housing. I am recently excited to move to Los Feliz, especially after a great conversation with Dave Coelho at Cozmic (whilst ordering my jalapeno brewskie) last night. He lives in Los Feliz, it's walking distance to things, close to the W, beautiful and near hikes, and I already know the neighborhoods from being there before. Plus I hear chicks dig dudes who live in Los Feliz, especially ones who live close by. Also a couple weeks ago I visited Michael Tucker who lives there, and his place was superb. And he gets chicks.

It's all about location when it comes to the ladieess.

Just kidding, ladies.

Anyway, Thanksgiving is come and gone and Christmas is a good month off. Now that the running around is temporarily paused, it's time to focus on working and moving. Right? Sound good?

Oh, and swooning. Of the ladieess

not really. Well, not really really.

I'm only writing this down so that I can convince myself I'm gonna do it. I occasionally have trouble believing I'm actually gonna do the things I say I'm gonna do. So got it? I'm moving and money making

Moving + Money Making = DECEMBER.

By the new year, I will be 150% exactly where I want to be in all categories. Rich and in my niche covered in chicks.

Right? right.



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