Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cabin, Rain, Home

It's time to switch to winter.

I'm lying in a bed covered by blankets with the rain and wind billowing around my bedroom. Large gusts are pressing branches and trickling droplets against these thin wooden walls..

The past 3 hours were spent in a cabin (preceded by a wild pineneedly slosh of a drive through the winding forest) filled with warmth and wine and laughing, and too much truth. I found myself manually describing (by manually I mean gesturally using all my hands) how swimmers who've fallen from a boat can die in human sieves, foot entrapments and recirculatory holes. And of course I wine-o-ey OD'd on personal girl situations. But the other cabin crew loved it..and shared their similar contributions.
All in all, a successful first day of pre-pro for this thing we're hurling ourselves happily into.

My god my hearts asunder. I am smitten. Intensely, hopelessly twitterpated.

And the branches and rubbing against the backwalls, sometimes thumping in the wind, make me stoked for the next 5 days of adventures in northern California, my penultimately plentiful home surroundings. SNOWBoARDing. Mountains. Weather.

I love snowboarding. Do you know that? Do you know that my only other dream job would be waking at 6am, stepping out my door and freely cutting waves of white against the mountainside. I'm not even picky with it - I'll take any white you lay out, gods. It's sheer delight, snowboarding! I love it so much! the solo speeding pleasure of picking your destiny moment by moment, the sweeping grandeur of white and grey vertical drops, the pure heaven of gliding and carving and tumbling..

Besides that, I drove 7 hours today to see my family and work on a movie. Perfection.

There's one person I want to share this with. Right? There always is. ;)

Different day - goodnight



moonshinejunkyard said...

glad you're home. the cabin sounds amazing. see you soon love.

Unknown said...

It's funny how you describe snowboarding because just last weekend i was explaining to someone in santa cruz how much i missed being on the mountain.
I was feeling so nostalgic that i was fumbling over myself trying to explain to someone who had never snowboarded before just how euphoric/soul searching snowboarding is for me.
Eventually i gave up and just said "if i died and went to heaven, i'd be on a mountain with my board and a neverending fresh layer of powder".
He laughed at me. Typical :P

mattbeatty said...

Sweet. I want to go up with you sometime this year. I think it's doable. I have a brand new board and bindings I got in February before I tore my calf in March, and couldn't use them! I am excited to say the least. And ... our mountains are covered in snow. So come to the Wasatch.

I also want to hear more about this river movie.