Monday, January 31, 2011

Writing of a new and old thing

Since I still have eleven minutes left of internet time here at the Monrovia Public Library (a terrific place, I might add) why not write a blog. My laptop power chord is busted, and I have no internet as of yet at my new place, so there's really no way for me to blog other than the tedious iPhone-blogging techniques I've become so clumsily adept at pursuing since I moved out of Pasadena..

In other words, blogging isn't as easy at it used to be. Literally.

Today I'm standing in a Library, connected to a quaint downtown strip shaded by trees and breeze and brown leaves, backdropped by cloud-wrapped mountain ranges layering over one another in size and scope like ominous waves frozen and mossed.

The air is fresh, and there are more beautiful country girls that I have seen here than an entire week of running around Hollywood. In fact, the whole town is filled with beautiful, and diverse, peeps. Families playing in the huge park. Elderly shopping at Pavillions. Kids roaming, all over the place - kids without that tick of harmful intentions shotblooding their eyeballs. It's what Matt D. likes to call "Smalltown USA" and honestly, it's my paradise. Mix mountains, local shops, fresh air, hikes, quiet, food, friends and wide open spaces into one town, then place it within driving distance from Hollywood and Los Angeles and you've got one sold semi-old Beatty finding his footing in an ever-shifting landscape. Since moving yesteday, I have felt relaxed and ready to work again, like those first few days of school after summer was over. Hopping in your car as the dawn has broken, dew freezing your fingers on the wet cold glass..the pain of keeping your eyes pried and a scent of coffee and cinammon always at the back of every room.

My huge sidequest of searching may have scooted to a silver end. The night shone and in it a place to spend the next while, hopefully happily. Though this seems almost too foolproof to be true.

I'll update when I have more time, more internet and more things to say. As for now, I'm going to Chaco up the sidewalks of this town a bit more before sunset.



PS - huge LAZ party tonight back at Drais, at the top of Hollywood. That cold air feels another electricity of change. Maybe a bit of Romeo and Juliet, mixed with Utah and sprinkled against the stars awaits..what say you Montagues: shall we find ourselves a Capulet?

Friday, January 21, 2011

I feel like I'm backpacking through life. There's these select items that we bring along with us - bascally our charms and necessities that pretty much satisfy the routine of a day, but everything else is expendable. We can shower wherever we need, river, hotel, friend's, eat wherever, sleep wherever.. and that's it. To survive beyond that all you need is your pack and the few things that remind you of who you are. And what you love.

That's backpacking. So I'm sitting on a bus next to my trusty Northface pack, heading into another wild unknown with the security of home contained in a blue pack to my right. That's backpacking to me.

In all this purposelessness, there's purpose to feeling good, hopeful and happy. The soft of hope and the sharp of driven, the fire in our eyes, burning meaning into the meaningless, beautiful world. Go!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Always Awesome, Bill and Ted?

I gotta rename this blog again - I can't seem to get it right.

Why? Because awesome (its name) is overused - and certainly doesn't account for everything that happens. It's an overly-positive perspective, and it would be naive of me to assume that everything is, in fact, positive.

Or would it?

It's easy to look at things as almost finished, almost done, SO close, nearly there, not quite complete.. but what about the us from the past? If we were to step back into two weeks, two months -better yet, two years in the past and look at where we will become then what would we say about positivity?

This thought comes from Bill and Ted (terrible, unmatchably good movie) In the earlier part of the film, they are greeted by the appearance of their future selves, giving themselves advice and telling them to "listen to Rufus," like futuristic fortune tellers. And they listen to themselves, thinking "why would we we lie to us?"

Honestly, put yourself in a time machine and warp back to last night, even last week. Any pointers?
But it doesn't matter, because like in the movie you're gonna make the same 'mistakes' anyway, otherwise you wouldn't end up being there to talk to your past self.

All this crap can seem to pile up on our plates (as we place it there) and just as things couldn't get any worse they always do (my buddy Murphy). This can't be positive.

For Bill and Ted, much of these are "bogus" moments, when they are met with some sort of unexpected trouble. I have Bogus moments, as you. Remember that fender-bender last week? How about the time you forgot your passport? (yikes!) bogus? Yes. Life or Death? Maybe. Fixable? Always.

Bogus isn't a bad thing, because it's a learning thing from which the biggest "Righteous!" moments come. You gotta have Bogus for the Righteous.

I could keep going, but this essayesque Bill and Ted discussion has run a tad dry at 7am. I'm on my way to the airport. Early Ridin, soon to be flyin. Let's hope for only the right kind of bogus moments today, and many righteous moments to follow in the next week. Maybe I'll keep this blog Awesome for just a little bit longer.



On a side note, this traffic is horrendous. The lady too the 10 which is a mystery to me as to why.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Awesome stuff

This year for Christmas I was given a fancy iPod dock/stereo (Skullcandy brand) and a zero-degree sleeping bag. I am using both in tandem as I type this. So, thanks family members who have set me up for really comfortable mornings.

Additionally, I wanted to take a minute to recognize some more Awesome stuff that we have available to us today. If you haven't stopped to look around you lately, you should. Our world has become accessible, enjoyable, and completely Awesome

Awesome stuff:

1 - Google and Wikipedia

Yesterday somebody asked me what the french word for "tire" was. In one minute, I had the answer.

2 - Pandora.

Put it on your computer, iPod, whathaveyou. Upload it, type in your favorite band, and let this incredible recent thing do the rest of your work. Amazing.

3 - Cars.

Sparks lighting gasoline fumes that blast metal cylinders with heat and pressure in circles, turning gears that ultimately turn wheels pulling you and a ton of metal, plastic and cloth in a direction across horizontal space? impossible. Nope, it's your car. F*ing incredible.

4 - Trader Joes.

Healthy, largely organic, fresh cheap food at your fingertips, on every corner dependably ready for your business? Yes, that's a modern miracle.

5 - GPS.

staring in awe at a layout of the planet with my little blue dot somewhere between the Pacific ocean and Arizona? Amazing.

6 - Popular Art.

Popular culture is centered around fashion, music, movies, games and celebrities. Each of these things equals a different expression of art; none of it has to exist. Art has taken over the world.

7 - iPhone.

This version of seamless connectivity has never existed in the history of time.. it's the next thing to telepathy and/or a collective subconscious. Possibly the most Awesome thing on this list.

8 - Speaking.

Tell jokes. Listen. Look into someone's eyes and hear their story. Phones and internet have made human contact more valuable to me, not less.

9 - the Banjo.

This instrument is AWESOME

10 - Mountain air.

It's cold, smells like ice, freezez and dries your skin and makes your watery eyes clench into a smile.

11 - Subways.

It's a train in a tube under the ground.
Or even better under the ocean. It's fast, reliable, fun, and it's underground.

12 - Cameras.

Today, everybody has the same technology available to them. A master photographer and a 10 year old can go to Target and buy the same professional camera. Talent is no longer limited to availability of equipment.

13 - Nachos.

Don't deny it. Vegetarian, carnivore, even hardcore vegans can enjoy Nachos. That's because they're Awesome.

14 - Microbrews.

So many of them nowadays. It fills my heart with joy.

15 - Money.

you can trade it for goods, or trade goods for it; it's a symbol of trade, and we all follow the same basic rules. It binds us, divides us, and ultimately keeps us connected to one another. Don't know about you, but I think that is Awesome.

16 - Facebook and Twitter.

Sorry guys, but they're Awesome. Go back 10 years and then tell me they're not.

17 - Kissing.

Timeless. You know it.

18 - Silence.

Sitting on the mountaintop yesterday, I barely heard birds under the hum of silence surrounding me. Most of us likely don't get enough of it, but it makes your blood slow, your muslces rest and the world calm to a focus. Just for a minute.

19 - Snowfall, Rainfall, and Heat Waves.

Humans are the ultimate adapting-machines. We can handle almost anything Nature throws at us. So instead of complaining, I welcome the world's ways of recalibration. Bring it, lovely land.

And Finally,

20 - (your answer)

I'll leave this last one blank. Let's just say, it's Awesome that you too have the ability to share your imagination with me and others about what you think is awesome in our world.




Home from work. It's maybe 1:45.

Transient. Early Rider. Call this what you will - I'm home on this air-filled cushion, surrounded by a 0-degree sleeping bag. My car is parked several blocks away (thanks to the dudes scopin it out earlier today, scattering when I arrived), tortilla chips and Amstel in my stomach, and a healthy lust for adventure waiting to vomit from top of my cranium. I could scream right now, but that might wake Sophie up.

I have the day off tomorrow - and I'm tempted to be bold. I mean, I don't normally go too far out of my way (that's a lie, I do, but usually for selfish reasons) and I'm sitting here wondering if I should go for a nice drive in the morning. A true Jaunt.

Assuming my car's still there. Preferably unticketed.
(Crappy lifestyle, this is. Can you see why I'm looking for places in Monrovia? This transient Koreatown business has worn down my soul. 90% of my morning is spent hoping my freakin car is still there. So lame.)

Anyway back to Jaunts. Tomorrow I may jaunt, I may not. I just have this inkling of an idea that maybe I could snag something worthwhile by taking a day to venture from my working haven towards something pretty, and foreign.
Plus driving time lets me memorize scripts.

I might. Who knows. It's unquestionable that I have to be in Monrovia to check out a place by the evening, so we'll see.

If the world were a lobster, logistics is the shell. Crack that body. Break it apart. You don't need butter, it's too good as it is!

I've literally never eaten lobster. Here's to spineless metaphors, and inflatable mattresses.

Sophie just spoke in her sleep. She said "help somebody, help." Quietly. For the record, that's frightening. But I'll ignore it - no inceptions tonight.

What was this blog about? Who knows. All will be well, and so goodnight.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm not good at this crap. I just have some pent-up stuff that has little else for release. Any suggestions besides attempting to like a girl?

At least it's the least of my problems.

Nice work 2011, shaking me from highs to lows in barely 14 hours' time. Sweet deal. I told you to bring it on - but you don't have to stab me in the back so fiercely! Damn, thing.
Day 2 of one of the best jobs I've ever had.

Maybe this new year isn't about new things and changes, but genuinely facing realities I only glance at sideways on the rare occasion that I have a moment. Possibly rather this year is about wrapping my arms around all those things I dodge but know i should be doing yet don't for fear of something bigger than death - or even bigger than life.

If a hero writes his own world then lives in it, why should he not be tackling the mightiest demons and seizing the highest thrones? Who else to face the king in his own court but the unconquerable of unslayed dragons? Have you ever seen that little light stream down through the clouds just for a moment? Have you tasted sunshine? it's the elephant. It's the day. It's the truth, and it's bigger than any life we can manifest immediately.

It's 10 years from now or tomorrow.

2011, I'm going to unravel your innards and wind you up with clarity and precision. You will be the true founder. So go ahead and destroy me, rob me, leave me naked in the streets of my own desires. It will only make me stronger :)


Saturday, January 8, 2011

I'm parked on an empty street in Culver City at 6:45am. Early as usual, for where I need to be.

Struggling against the bars, shaking them and shouting but where does struggling ever get us? To foolishness.

So instead I'm working on solving the worry. Digging out of the underground. There's an ounce of light in this thick-aired blackness, I can smell the light, a drift of freshness in the heavy haze.

Yesterday I felt that freshness like a glint of sunlight on cold, black grass. It was unquestionably there.

This morning I woke up and rolled over into reality to face what I've created - this little
land of myths and me the King of Creation, in a world swallowing into miniature debt, full
of miniature people and miniature mountains.

But that light shines in from somewhere above not so tiny, somewhere from some outside haven that's untamed, absolute, hot and huge and roaring. That glint of sunshine from something impossible, like the passing of a plane and then it's gone and the tiny world lives on - only the wiser that beyond these bulwarks is a land so much bigger, so full of quests and creation so beyond my wildest imagination.

So let me be lost in these woods, because in darkness we dream the hardest.

There's hope, there's love, there's passion.. and somewhere in there, there's an answer.

See you after work


Friday, January 7, 2011

So many little, and some bigger, problems to solve, all at once

they never stop. Problemos

I know they'll all be solved.. I just have to make sure

it's done in the best way possible.

Not my favorite New Year.