Friday, January 21, 2011

I feel like I'm backpacking through life. There's these select items that we bring along with us - bascally our charms and necessities that pretty much satisfy the routine of a day, but everything else is expendable. We can shower wherever we need, river, hotel, friend's, eat wherever, sleep wherever.. and that's it. To survive beyond that all you need is your pack and the few things that remind you of who you are. And what you love.

That's backpacking. So I'm sitting on a bus next to my trusty Northface pack, heading into another wild unknown with the security of home contained in a blue pack to my right. That's backpacking to me.

In all this purposelessness, there's purpose to feeling good, hopeful and happy. The soft of hope and the sharp of driven, the fire in our eyes, burning meaning into the meaningless, beautiful world. Go!


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