Monday, January 31, 2011

Writing of a new and old thing

Since I still have eleven minutes left of internet time here at the Monrovia Public Library (a terrific place, I might add) why not write a blog. My laptop power chord is busted, and I have no internet as of yet at my new place, so there's really no way for me to blog other than the tedious iPhone-blogging techniques I've become so clumsily adept at pursuing since I moved out of Pasadena..

In other words, blogging isn't as easy at it used to be. Literally.

Today I'm standing in a Library, connected to a quaint downtown strip shaded by trees and breeze and brown leaves, backdropped by cloud-wrapped mountain ranges layering over one another in size and scope like ominous waves frozen and mossed.

The air is fresh, and there are more beautiful country girls that I have seen here than an entire week of running around Hollywood. In fact, the whole town is filled with beautiful, and diverse, peeps. Families playing in the huge park. Elderly shopping at Pavillions. Kids roaming, all over the place - kids without that tick of harmful intentions shotblooding their eyeballs. It's what Matt D. likes to call "Smalltown USA" and honestly, it's my paradise. Mix mountains, local shops, fresh air, hikes, quiet, food, friends and wide open spaces into one town, then place it within driving distance from Hollywood and Los Angeles and you've got one sold semi-old Beatty finding his footing in an ever-shifting landscape. Since moving yesteday, I have felt relaxed and ready to work again, like those first few days of school after summer was over. Hopping in your car as the dawn has broken, dew freezing your fingers on the wet cold glass..the pain of keeping your eyes pried and a scent of coffee and cinammon always at the back of every room.

My huge sidequest of searching may have scooted to a silver end. The night shone and in it a place to spend the next while, hopefully happily. Though this seems almost too foolproof to be true.

I'll update when I have more time, more internet and more things to say. As for now, I'm going to Chaco up the sidewalks of this town a bit more before sunset.



PS - huge LAZ party tonight back at Drais, at the top of Hollywood. That cold air feels another electricity of change. Maybe a bit of Romeo and Juliet, mixed with Utah and sprinkled against the stars awaits..what say you Montagues: shall we find ourselves a Capulet?

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