Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Awesome stuff

This year for Christmas I was given a fancy iPod dock/stereo (Skullcandy brand) and a zero-degree sleeping bag. I am using both in tandem as I type this. So, thanks family members who have set me up for really comfortable mornings.

Additionally, I wanted to take a minute to recognize some more Awesome stuff that we have available to us today. If you haven't stopped to look around you lately, you should. Our world has become accessible, enjoyable, and completely Awesome

Awesome stuff:

1 - Google and Wikipedia

Yesterday somebody asked me what the french word for "tire" was. In one minute, I had the answer.

2 - Pandora.

Put it on your computer, iPod, whathaveyou. Upload it, type in your favorite band, and let this incredible recent thing do the rest of your work. Amazing.

3 - Cars.

Sparks lighting gasoline fumes that blast metal cylinders with heat and pressure in circles, turning gears that ultimately turn wheels pulling you and a ton of metal, plastic and cloth in a direction across horizontal space? impossible. Nope, it's your car. F*ing incredible.

4 - Trader Joes.

Healthy, largely organic, fresh cheap food at your fingertips, on every corner dependably ready for your business? Yes, that's a modern miracle.

5 - GPS.

staring in awe at a layout of the planet with my little blue dot somewhere between the Pacific ocean and Arizona? Amazing.

6 - Popular Art.

Popular culture is centered around fashion, music, movies, games and celebrities. Each of these things equals a different expression of art; none of it has to exist. Art has taken over the world.

7 - iPhone.

This version of seamless connectivity has never existed in the history of time.. it's the next thing to telepathy and/or a collective subconscious. Possibly the most Awesome thing on this list.

8 - Speaking.

Tell jokes. Listen. Look into someone's eyes and hear their story. Phones and internet have made human contact more valuable to me, not less.

9 - the Banjo.

This instrument is AWESOME

10 - Mountain air.

It's cold, smells like ice, freezez and dries your skin and makes your watery eyes clench into a smile.

11 - Subways.

It's a train in a tube under the ground.
Or even better under the ocean. It's fast, reliable, fun, and it's underground.

12 - Cameras.

Today, everybody has the same technology available to them. A master photographer and a 10 year old can go to Target and buy the same professional camera. Talent is no longer limited to availability of equipment.

13 - Nachos.

Don't deny it. Vegetarian, carnivore, even hardcore vegans can enjoy Nachos. That's because they're Awesome.

14 - Microbrews.

So many of them nowadays. It fills my heart with joy.

15 - Money.

you can trade it for goods, or trade goods for it; it's a symbol of trade, and we all follow the same basic rules. It binds us, divides us, and ultimately keeps us connected to one another. Don't know about you, but I think that is Awesome.

16 - Facebook and Twitter.

Sorry guys, but they're Awesome. Go back 10 years and then tell me they're not.

17 - Kissing.

Timeless. You know it.

18 - Silence.

Sitting on the mountaintop yesterday, I barely heard birds under the hum of silence surrounding me. Most of us likely don't get enough of it, but it makes your blood slow, your muslces rest and the world calm to a focus. Just for a minute.

19 - Snowfall, Rainfall, and Heat Waves.

Humans are the ultimate adapting-machines. We can handle almost anything Nature throws at us. So instead of complaining, I welcome the world's ways of recalibration. Bring it, lovely land.

And Finally,

20 - (your answer)

I'll leave this last one blank. Let's just say, it's Awesome that you too have the ability to share your imagination with me and others about what you think is awesome in our world.




moonshinejunkyard said...

aw migsy. you basically think everything's awesome! cars, twitter, and iphones in the same breath as mountain air, snowstorms, and silence. rad man. you are alive fully and loving the moment of your existence. i miss you. what are you doing for your bday? when are you coming up here? wanna celebrate valentines/full moon/birthday/other february wildness with us?

Mikie Beatty said...

Yeah Hez I'd love to!
I can come up anytime in feb, my schedule's fairly open. Give me a week/weekend and I can plan ahead. Let's make it a good one. I'm starting out 2011 with a solid love/hate relationship, so maybe this will bring slightly more love. Deal?

Ps - watched Black Swan tonight. If you haven't seen it already, SEE IT

mattbeatty said...

did you ever get your Christmas gift from us?