Thursday, December 23, 2010

Procrastinating: Life in Pictures and Videos

Here's a video of what happened yesterday. Pretty amazing:

I found this lady on the roof

Last week Dan, Sophie and me went to Joshua Tree. I spelunked.

Bus Windshield Wiper

Here's a story about Ke$ha, and a rainy dashboard

Raindrops under the Lights of the W
(Note: I wasn't working when I took this)

During my Early Rider shifts, I was downtown constantly. Here's a lovely shot of a building

Here's Dan carrying his bike

Me, Saluting the Mountains

My drink at my agency's Holiday Party @ the Colony

Playing one of my favorite songs

Downtown in the morning

Sophie Green, ladies and gentlemen

My everyday, unrulily excellent parallel parking abilities.
(Note: I am NOT touching the curb)

Dick Van Dyke at the Hollywood Parade (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang float)

On a waterfall

Hollywood Club, worst sound recording ever

Me pimpin it with my 3 favorite girls in all of Los Angeles

EPIC Bug Battle


More to come,
but now I have to go buy/find all the presents. I hate driving in Koreatown, fyi. It's pure misery.
But the sun is shining and Christmas is two days off!! Not bad.

Lambers and I, signing off!



Saturday, December 18, 2010

down for the night

I feel like so much time we spend

picking up old pieces of shattered things

once held loosely

overturned in our grip

while looking ahead, just in case

success comes in waves and cycles.


Waves and cycles of success.

Up then down then up

and sometimes you miss the top

letting your boat slide

half-diagonal off the side

pushed from the current just a bit

little eddys sucking your momentum

but gearing up, you dig in the stick

shout your command, mildly embarrassed


reclaiming once more the steady current

Waves up, slides down, waves up

turn, dodge, swoosh, splash

the water takes you, takes you

until you crash for the night

Laying out the sleeping bag, blurry-eyed

stars above deeply sigh you into sleep

and so you Let it go, let it Fly

into the precious diamond sky


The sun rises, your eyes

crank slowly back from wherever they had been

you raise your head

look at your boat

and do it all again.


I want you. Let's trade.

I refuse to leave with nothing,

or no thing to love

So guide with me and we'll brave

the make-believe, and face reality

Little to lose but peace of mind

Little to gain but choice and time

I love camping, I'm sick of camping

There's only camping.

Let's go camping, together.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

You hope and you dream, but you never believe

Back to choosing.

It's nice to know we choose everything we do - rational or not, we are the final decision-makers, the creators of what we want to see every morning and night.

I saw Leonardo Dicaprio yesterday, standing a few feet away smoking a cigar, wearing clothes I would wear, walking around in his familiar gait. I didn't talk to him, but it got me thinking about some things. Things that help us versus things that hurt us.

Basically this: people pursue 'dreams' 'hopes' etc. They pick something that seems glamorous, heightened, almost surreal and daydream about "what if"... and it's completely self-destructive.

Disclaimer: the following opinion is completely subject to your judgment. I don't mean to offend, it's just a thought I think.

Hoping is for the lazy. Hoping is losing. It's safe, and it's a prison. Someone with an ounce of ambition understands you don't hope to create something, you either create it or you don't. There is no room for hope, unless it's in reference to only the things that are completely and utterly beyond our power (which things there are very, very few).

And so I see Leo, standing there, looking off towards the street then running up the stairs like he ran to the French girl in the moonlight before kissing her in The Beach - and I realized he didn't hope or dream to do his work, he just works. He smokes his cigar, then gets back to work - on himself, his place in the movies, and the acting jobs themselves. We pedestal everything beyond our reach, make menial truths glittering beacons of "hope." but those same truths are likely the worst case scenario: meaningless jobs that we imbue with meaning. It's just a job, you do it, and sometimes everybody cares. That's what his life is - not some Legendary thing, just a series of friends he made and jobs he was hired for. That's it, nothing more. There's no hope or dream in that, just truth.

All this is said to dumb down the fact that nothing achieved by a human was ever impossible, nor ever will be. If you can imagine it, you can create it. We're like that, we're all gods of creation every day.

But hoping has to be taken out of the process - it's yes or no, everything inbetween is valuable time being squandered.

Something shifted between generations for me - I used to pretend in miraculous ways. Now I see reality is those miraculous truths becoming routine, the twitterpation spoiled and you're left with clean, real Life. That's the secret kings and queens kept from the peasantry - that it was all just a coverup, that everybody could be "king", because being king is no different than being a peasant. I'm like you Mr Dicaprio, a friend and mentor I'm not allowed to speak to, I just want to work.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ode to Timberwolf

I love my car. The deep green wonder that is my rack-topped Honda Accord is to me what a lifelong dog-companion or mail-order bride is for others. Driving around lately, I've really come to respect and appreciate the ins and outs of this fuel-efficient road-tripping machine. I love hopping inside knowing I have a long drive ahead of me. He's truly man's best inanimate friend. I feel forever 18 years old in this green, Vtec 4-cylinder gas burning piston cranking smooth riding dime turning slick characteristically waiting for an outdoors adventure green sweet fits-like-a-glove pat him on the back journey as if twere a well-bred Shadowfax with bike carrying capabilities machine. And he's my favorite color, foresty green. Timber!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

thoughts of an early rider

It's never neessary to make any money, it's just fun to do something. It's fun to make money, work as part of a system of gears helping the calliope function, enjoying the music all the while. All fun, but none of it is necessary.

There are some necessary things. They have to do with loving another a person, eating food, understanding how nature works, understanding how society is put together, understanding what it feels like to be happy.

Play. ;)

Merry Holidays

and the people
bowed and
prayed to the
neon god they

Jack FM, you are my automated moodmaker

If you can't say something nice,
say something meeeaannn

just kidding

Just Kidding is the universally most effective way to get out of trouble

example 1:

You're driving down the freeway, a car stops short in front of you and you fender bender their rear end. They get out, furious. So do you, to assess. They're really upset. How can you fix this? You put your hand on their shoulder, look them in the eyes and say, "Just kidding!"

example 2:

You can't pay rent. You don't have enough in the bank, but you write a check anyway. The landlord cashes it 2 weeks later, but it bounces and they angrily call you up to see what's going on. "where's my money?!" they ask. You reply, "Just kidding!"

or as autocorrect would have it, "Jist kissing!"

I love autocorrect.

December Adventure

why do fingernail clippers always disappear?

The longer i live in LA, the more disconnected I feel from technological stimulation.. at least the more selective I become

Good writing is good writing

Bad writing is bad writing

ending a sentence in a preposition is a no-no

Usage of colloquialisms such as 'no-no' or 'shant' should be severely limited

Additionally, exclamants are noisy verbal diarrhea

you can't talk your way out of a DWB

and you certainly can't out of a BUI

I miss being in college, and working towards a collective greater good.

It's important to follow traffic laws, even if they don't seem "polite." Duh.

I fall in love with things I can't have

Everything is impossible, that's what makes living so amazing.

Scars are way cooler than tats.
Though some tats are pretty cool.
See also: Adie and Joey
And some scars are pretty lame.
See also: my chipped tooth.

Sufjan Stevens is an instrumental, vocal and lyrical genius.

So is the Offspring

Road trip?

We live and die by maps. That's how our cognition works, we're at point A, we see point B, and Creativity is finding a way to get there.

I hate autocorrect

The end.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fear of Death: Embrace the Rejection

Ahh human beings, what a funny addition to nature. We, as in us, the collective equal body of creatures roaming in clothing and makeup making up what we deem the Human Race, aka apelike bipedal parasitical predators, are occasionally barely alive. But what keeps us motivated? What allows our rendition of 'survival' to remain a temporarily stable phenomenon? Fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of results resulting in death. Fear of losing what holds onto our selves, stuck stranded on an island, finding too little resources and dying.

It's always about death.

Or at least our perceived notion for what we classify as an acceptable death, socially. Fear that we are so fragile, that any disruption of the temporary balance will result, in death.

So why have I lived so long?

Because I'm not scared of death?

I won't say that, for in spitty moments of curiosity I govern my thoughts towards the chasmic spiral of fear-of-dying. It happens to the best of us. But imagine this for a moment- you're standing on the edge of thee Grand Canyon with a camera in your hand and nobody you know for 300 miles in every direction. What saves you from death? The camera, the canyon, or just your peace of mind that even if a strong gust blew you forward 10 feet and sailing you shatter against the rocks and walls, for at least 300 miles nobody will try to save you.

There's the motivator - we're addicted to being saved. We're obsessed with getting help, and since help is always available our fear of death has expounded, boosting megafold in 10 times 10 to the 10th leaving our once solid fear-fighting heroics weak and maleably sore. Always afraid that the next step might stab with some pestilent nail and riddle our body, minds, bank accounts, wannabe passions with terminal disease, an inevitable death. We're scared, to death, of death.

Are you following?

1st world Humans have developed the habit of living in absolute fear of death. Every decision, big or small, is in some way decided based on whether or not we could die.

Now imagine for a moment that you could believe, realize, come to the conclusion someday that nothing has the power to kill you. At least nothing in your control. You stand on that canyon edge, the wind picks up, you feel that twinge of fear of death, but you just stand there and take it. You sturdy your footing, tighten your hamstrings and hold your ground. The wind beats harder, pushing your hair into your face. Your coat is flailing, the canyon dims covered in grey clouds, but you hold your ground. Leaves and rocks are blowing past you, whooshing overtakes your eardrums. But you hold your ground. Harder you clench your legs, solidify your abdomen, pull taught your shoulders, focus on the canyon, wind-swept tears welling in your eye-sockets from the dry cold air, but you stand firm.

And the wind begins to recede. Your hair pulls away from your face, your coat settles, the leaves cease, the whoosh quiets, and your muscles naturally begin to release. So that soon, there you stand, on the canyons edge alive, strong, alive, beathing, beating, real, full, feeling, smelling, living, and before you stretches the canyons whose depths hadn't claimed your life, like you had thought, feared, but braved.

Braved. It takes bravery, but you knew from the beginning that you weren't going to die so the bravery was not a dishonest hope - and if you were lyingly brave, aka fearfully brave, an unavoidable boulder from the east would have knocked you over the canyon edge.

The true bravery is in knowing that what you're standing for is bigger, healthier, safer and more alive than any life-saving recession, or death-fearing wobbly stance could have brought to you. Risking it all knowing you risk nothing but the eradication of fear itself and not an impending firery flailing fall of death, so that you can feel alive without fear to manacle your heart to the stones. Feeling fearless is feeling.


But 1st world humans don't fearlessly feel. They fearfully numb. They don't feel, they fix. Bring me my AA, my Advil, my all-knowing Doctorman. Bring me my quick pain fixer, my feeling numb-ers. Bring me my way to waste everything around me in this heaven on earth. That's the 1st world way, thats modernity.

Yesterday I risked death hundreds of times. Today I'll risk death hundreds of times. Tomorrow, last week, next month. You think I'm stupid? That's because you're afraid.

Let it all go, don't be afraid to feel.

Society recognizes and rejects the fearless now. Embrace the rejection.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Precursor to future resolutions blog

Disclaimer: this blog ain't fancy. don't judge.

I spent the day in Joshua Tree National Park today, giddily leaping 10ft chasms, running vertically up rocky slopes, chasing trails, climbing chimneys, scrambling, spelunking, idiotlike regularday stuff. Dan and Sophie came too. Dan and I are in love. We are destined to be the first heterosexual couple that I'm aware of.

That being said, I found a moment just after the sun had set, and the light blue deepened purple, when I sat down on one of those sticky rocks and looked at the white half moon. Elbows shelved over knees, I realized I had been in this exact same place, exactly one year prior (and by exact I mean just that: next to the same crevass/crevice that we climbed before, during the same light-faden time of day.)

Except, has anything changed? Yes. An epic blur, hundreds of new friends, experiences, ideas, locations, possibilities, and remarkably, some love.

Additionally, last year I made the very distinct New Year's Resolution to establish myself in LA. Since, I've done that and I realized it tonight! I also realized that now I have to make a new (or a few new) resolutions for 2011. Attainable, reasonable, honest resolutions that I can work on - so that next December I can recognize the same.

I'll get back to you.

I mean honestly, what should it be? What should my resolution(s) be?

I'm exhausted. Thank you, rocky truthtelling sculptures, for giving us a perfect day. I'll have to come up with some clever ones, but maybe the simpler the better. Any ideas let me know.



Brown-eyed Elephant

Hey kiddos.
Lovely evening in Koreatown tonight. Listening to the distant ring of some ancient alarm, the flow of imaginary cars, but the quietness of a dark room. Peaceful.

Ok enough with the crap - nobody wants the poetry shiza. Truth is I'm lying on a partially-deflated mattress on my friend Sophie's carpet, somewhere along the 7th floor of her Koreatown (aka Larchmont) accomodations. In 5 hours Dan and Sophie and myself will be sleepily on our way to the land of rocks covered in twisty-trunked tree demons, also referred to as Joshua Tree.

But the real business of the day is the biting discontent that has been left to knaw away at my thoughts and red insides. It's not fun to have a taste of what could make you extremely happy, then watch it (feel it) be taken away in the clip of a second. Once you've seen the elephant, there is no escaping the dream.

I see elephants. Little pretty ones with sparkly brown eyes. Strong, intense ones commanding respect. Sweet, precious ones pursuing their rouge lips. Sturdy green ones racked and ready. Stout and bearded ones laying longevity in bricks up a hill. Sad, white ones cowering and struggling. Coupled elephants. Wandering elephant rangers. Local, music-loving elephants.

One huge elephant, looking over your head with merciless tusks impossible to tame.
One surrealistically beautiful elephant dazzling you, fooling you, haunting you, considerig you.
One older, wiser elephant. Sitting back in his chair, watching, waiting. Curious about your fate

That's it. I'll tell you more later. Goodnight


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Top 5's (in under 2 minutes)


5 - Farmers Market Vender
4 - Movie Theatre Floorstaff
3 - Pizza Delivery
2 - River Raft Guide
1 - Actor


5 - Wasabi
4 - Deli Mustard
3 - Ketchup
2 - Pepper
1 - Chipotle Tabasco


5 - The Good Life - Weezer
4 - Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder
3 - Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show
2 - Big Hard Sun - Bob Dylan/Eddie Vedder
1 - Porcelain - Moby

TV Shows:

5 - Cheers
4 - Firefly
3 - Party Down
2 - The Wonder Years
1 - Doug


5 - Stand By Me
4 - Hook
3 - Jurassic Park
2 - Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indiana Jones
1 - Star Wars IV/Goonies

Electronic Devices:

5 - MS Sidewinder 3D Pro
4 - Speak n' Spell
3 - iPhone
2 - Original Game Boy
1 - Pioneer Car Stereo

Non-electric Devices:

5 - Towel
4 - Mountain Bike
3 - Backpack
2 - Lighter
1 - my Chacos

Physical Games:

5 - Laser Tag
4 - Kick the Can
3 - Sardines
2 - Hopscotch
1 - Dogpile


5 - Peanut Butter
4 - Yellow Curry
3 - Salsa
2 - Black Beans + Brown Rice
1 - Scrambled Eggs


5 - Hoogarden
4 - Racer 5 IPA
3 - Speakeasy IPA
2 - Lagunitas IPA
1 - Strong Blonde - Placerville Brewing Company!


5 - Bud Lite
4 - Miller Lite
3 - Coors Lite
2 - Amstel Lite
1 - Sam Adams Lite


5 - Blondes
4 - Redheads
3 - Brunettes
2 - Black Haired
1 - All of the Above

Worst Manmade Inventions (in order of severity):

5 - Shakeweight
4 - Daylight Savings
3 - 40-hour Work Week
2 - Hydrogen Bomb
1 - McDonald's

Towns Near LA:

5 - Malibu
4 - West Hollywood
3 - Pasadena
2 - Claremont
1 - Monrovia


5 - Brown
4 - Dark Grey
3 - Red
2 - Blue
1 - Green

T-Shirts I wear:

5 - Red Joshua Tree
4 - Tie-Dye Pizza My heart
3 - Black Rosie McCanns
2 - Grey Rx Bandits
1 - White Master Sword

OK That's enough. Time to go to sleep. Sorry if I've offended anybody.. this was some hard work!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things you know

A few thoughts I just came up with while clipping my toenails.

You know you're getting older when:

Your feet look remarkably like your dad's feet
You're sizing up whether or not she'd make a good mother
You ask if they own or rent
You feel compelled to take out the garbage
5 o'clock shadow after shaving in the shower
You're shaving in the shower
You say "punks" under your breath as kids pass
You understand what a CFO does
You're sick of texting
Doing yoga makes your back hurt

You know you're still young when:

You're in the drive thru at Del Taco after midnight
You spend hours in a coffee shop and accomplish nothing
You daydream about snowboarding
You capitalize Single
You constantly want to be on a road trip
You eat two double chocolate cookies before dinner
Your facial hair doesn't connect
You yell back at the old guy yelling "this is America!"
You seriously consider staying in a hostel to save some cash
You write pointless blogs shamelessly
Your loans are still deferred
You mom gives you shirts

