Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Some people take some things very personally. It's confusing: how do you gauge it? We've all been working on it for years. I definitely have.

It's all about forgiving.

If there was a superpower I was born with, besides an ability to make objects vanish into my mouth and reappear in my stool, it's the Power of Unconditional Forgiveness. And it's a bloody curse. *not like bloody stool*

See, if somebody wrongs me I go "ow! that hurt" and then smile at them and high-five.
If I did the same exact thing to someone else, it's "ow! that hurt" and they frown and be pissed for the day.

WHY. Why are some people hardwired to immediately forgive while for others it can take days, months, YEEARRSS. Why. People are so different. What is the meaning of life. Who ate my chocolate chips.

I like to think the car's always fixable. Never irreparable damage. I guess worst case I could always find a new one or have no car again for a while.
(above: metaphor)

The End

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