Saturday, June 26, 2010

social studies

This being part of society thing ain't easy all the time. Honestly, I don't know how some people do it! Seems like you never get a free minute, leafblowers are everywhere, nobody trusts each other, homeless guys are smarter businessmen than I, and honestly if you're unlikable for 2 seconds you fall rungs down the friend ladder faster than you can say 'just kidding!'
what was it, maybe two years ago this June that i was committed to burning all my money and running away from society forever (something to do with my passionate following of the Chris McCandless story). Nothing was more desirable to me than packing everything i owned into a backpack, slinging it around my shoulders and venturing away from pretty much everything. Here i am two years later in the exact town I left (Burbank, technically) a little wiser but seeing how far behind i am because of my strange exodus.

It's kind of awesome. I never expected to look back on leaving LA as being a good and useful part of my history, but now that I'm here again with more than an ounce of realism having washed away the steam from my eyes, I can see the value in emancipating myself from a major life choice, only to return again.

Still, I'm waaay behind. For example, i've been dating girls for almost three decades and i swear to goodness i don't understand them any better now than I did in kindergarten when i was kissing Kylie on the bus (and getting yelled at by the driver). Still no clue. Nope. Sure I've learned a couple ways to accommodate for others' idiosyncracies and differences, but when you're down to those 1-on-1 moments I'm still a freakin kindergartner. Why would i blog about that? Too late, no editing.

Whatever. Society is a crazy breed, and so I'm happy to be working on a solidly impossible goal by choice, so much that I'm having a hard time pulling away. As Alex Rogers said two nights ago, we're beautifully on edge. So be it. ;)


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