Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well here's me at my best

And on the 8th day, God said "let there be the Stone Brewery" and there was. And men and women throughout the land felt warmth and happiness within their bosoms. And it was very good.

We just had a truly intense rehearsal one night before the opening of our third run of ELEVATOR, here in the whimsical city of Los Angeles, California. The air outside my bedroom smells like unkempt roses, dirt and must with a touch of ocean breeze- I can hear an almost imaginary howl of faroff cars .. every once and again the kitchen down the hallway clinks with the sounds of Jason rummaging. My hair's afro. My mind's a sloppy smorgasbord of pleasure and passion and traveling dreams and impossible loves .. all I want to do is to explore - see new things. Too much order and demand makes me a dull and relatively restless soul. I look forward to opening our play this weekend (particularly tomorrow) and exploring the newness of that - but beyond my heart aches for some kind of oceanic scenic fear, that lofty frightened angst of pouring black waves, steaming with a thick billowing foam.. fog hanging around my ears. the night silent, just roiling pouring waves. it eats at me. it sickens me. and sick is pleasure for the deeper concern.
We can never have the girls, the items, the places, the parts we really want - then when our patience runs thin instead we puncture through the layers of taut, between future and past; running this river is like a blind dog crossing a highway at rush hour - but I won't waste a step. I'm not a stupid canine. I'm a sharp wolfe building an empire, and we're still digging for supports. It's a huge project. The pyramids took between 25-50 years to build. So this is nothin.
Goodnight you sexy world of minds.

1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

i think you should be a sailor like ishmael. i think you have some white whales you want to encounter, or need to. i love your spirit are full of everything tonight. can't wait to see how this run of elevator goes, and what you dream up next!