Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's probably not the best time for me to sit down and write, but when is that time. Is there ever a best time? When life is good and the flowers in full bloom, the clouds scattered white on purple hues and the sun high, warm with your skin kissed by cool water splashing spits in your face like a lapping dolphin's tail dancing against the curling waves?

Or when your tooth aches and your eyes droop like wrinkled plums, your heart a lump of lead for emptiness and the sticky afternoon sinking your uncertainty into a helpless mid-summer soup of murk leaving you flat-tiredly bound?

Well I'm both right now so maybe I'll write something.
I'm just tired, and there's a couple aspects of my life that cropped up suddenly, that I don't know what to do about.

My dad has this mantra for me: "oh Mikie, you'll figure it out." Great.
And is he right? Yep. Just like when I was 15 and he's like "yeah, if you want to drive you need to get a job. so go figure it out." And I did. And so has followed everything since, a constant "its a dirty job but someone's got to do it" mentality. No complaints though! because I love working and putting things together, trial and error, the whole shebang.

But wouldn't it be nice for once to have someone there as backup every once in a while, to back you up and take the reins in that small, one-case scenario when you don't actually want to figure it out? I can see why people get married. If you're married, you've got automatic backup. And you can rest assured that I am currently living vicariously through your advantageously automatic backup. It's like About a Boy. Not so much like Party Down. Although I rode my bike through Old Town Pasadena again today in hopes of seeing Adam Scott. And didn't. As usual. So I got froyo instead.

I'm just sick of getting hung up on little things while trying to make my way into doing not-so-little things. Like, having a bunk tooth or a poorly-functioning automobile shouldn't hault the rotation of my planet. Here's where backup would be handy (take note, married ones). Sheesh.

On a different subject, my show opened Thursday.
Now, this show is the reason I'm not rafting so I know what you're thinking: "well this better be damn f*cking good." The news? Well.. even if our personal critiques of the opening may have been self-depreciating, the reviews that came in about it were quite the opposite. In brief, our opening (with new script, a full set and all-new technicalities) was hailed as a "theatrical gem!" with "characters and dialog that belong on a Broadway stage" (Performing Arts LIVE). Not a bad first review. Now we have four more weekends of never being satisfied. Sounds about right.
here's a picture:

and that's about it. Totally pointless blog. Now go listen to Beck and be happy its summertime.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

photo by David Goldstein.