Thursday, July 15, 2010

makin memories

So maybe I won't remember the exact date of Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 like I so predicted (on my new Twitter account)

I will however remember shaking Shaun White's hand outside the W and feeling overwhelmed with the awesomeness that takes you when meeting the gold-medal-winning Best Snowboarder in the world.

I'll also remember that significant moment this afternoon driving beneath the mountains of Burbank blaring Alkaline Trio and having a realization about how great summertime can be in LA.

And I'll remember going to sleep with a huge smile on my face this past morning. :)

So that's all we really need, right? memories. not dates. memories to stick with us - we're literally creating nostalgia for our future selves to reminisce about. We're voluntarily manufacturing our own future emotional responses.

Like the moment tonight when us valets stood in a line, bored, watching execs and celebs get out of their limos, shooting the crap with each other and I'm standing next to Chrissy listening to her talk about her wild acting class where she did unspeakable things, and all I could think about was how it's just like Party Down. Because life is just like Party Down when it comes to valeting cars with Chrissy Randall.

wherever you're at, hope you're making some memories folks.

And it's officially 5:20am. Time to ride the midnight eye slide

Night, Mikie

1 comment:

Amy Beatty said...

say what - shaun white. jarom wears all his clothes from target. and we have tv now. so i have seen your W again - sweet. keep smiling (so yearbook sounding but all too true) xoxo