Sunday, August 1, 2010

the backup takeback

It was Matthew Hunter's (one of my most respected colleagues) birthday today, on this lovely Sunday the 1st o' August, 2010. In honor of the occasion we ventured to the glitzy land of Universal Citywalk for an amazing dinner at Panda Inn. Excellent times all around. Loaded up with leftovers, I hopped in the borrowed Saturn (Jasmine) for a little drive back home to Pasadena.

On my drive home, I could smell the wood smoke of mountain air and see the breeze blowing my stripey plaid shirtsleeves, the yellow bits of light hanging in the skies in the mountains over Glendale to Burbank, beyond downtown and back up again to the far eastern slopes of the San Bernandino mountain range, and behind that wheel in the warm cool summer evening all I could think about was how good I've got it.

So in reponse to everything I wrote about last night, the whining and wishing and pleading and beotching.. here's my update:

I have a bunk tooth - I also have 10+ incredible teeth that are healthy. I have a choppy job - and I also have an incredible job on a network television. My family's far away? - I also have a family that loves every stupid thing I say unconditionally and follows me like stalkers on internet websites. I'm in a home by myself right now - and I'm also living in a mahogany-floored apartment mansion with too much space, a lovely patio and a massive television at my fingertips. My car blows - but I'm also borrowing a beautiful car from a very generous friend. Occasionally lonely? - I'm also not alone for 98% of the day. I have so many amazing people in my life. For godssake, even Candice still talks to me!! And I'm tired - but I went to freakin Las Vegas and had the life-changing time of my life last weekend with amazing people!! So what if I'm not rafting. I'm in a fantastic play and going to New York in two weeks.

See what I mean?
The point is, I have so much more good in my life than the miniscule, pittlingly bad. I could write books and books of blogs about the good and fascinating things that happen to me every day. But do I? Nope. Instead I sit down and write complainey blogs about the few shitty things that happen instead. Lame.

So this is my take back and thank you blog.
I take back my complaining. Sorry for being an inappreciative a-hole.
And I'd like to thank everybody for making me happy.
Because I am. Happy August y'all. Life is pretty freakin amazing.

So now let's move beyond this an make life funny again. Deal? deal.



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