Friday, April 10, 2009

Five Facts

There may be them who's skeptical,
but rely on my words
I have several facts to tell
in no order of their worth:

Number One, I love my life
and Two, I'm very happy.
The Third discloses hidden truth
saying: I admire Santa Cruz.
(There's something reckless in the woods
here, something 'neath the tracks
behind the breathless sunset skies,
around downtown souvenir shops
that keeps me, angry, wanting more,
that never shuts me up.)
A Fourth fact lying more obscure
within my psychic state
declares that there is no man, woman, child
whom I hate. But also
more importantly, is larger
Number Five, I see in everyone
A power more than any God,
I see the great ability
to think, create and love.
There is no face that can avoid
the Human in us all
heroes cloaked in business suits,
heroines in their blush masks
crooked hats on shaved hair
hiding passion, pain, despair
I see mothers loving daughters
I see fathers loving mothers.
Every person is the God we worship
every one is great.
That's why I sometimes want to buck
society's occasion,
which places us all categorized
in an infallible invasion.
I am not privy to their games
no contract did I sign,
though I see value in arranging
people in a line.
(I always find myself stuck
between a rock and that Hard Place
that draws me closer telling me
there is no other choice.)
At least, despite the answer which
seems still has not been found,
There are Five Facts I can remember
when I'm feeling down:
I am in love with everything,
I am in love with you,
I love my life, I'm happy
and I do love Santa Cruz.
I love everybody out there,
Everyone is God.
Forgive me if I sometimes preach
things I know little of
We all stick to our guns anyway,
when all you need is Love.


heather said...

wonderful, rhythmic, sweet and wise.

Papa Dan said...

Yea Mikie, neat-o. A good read

Susan said...

I agree with you Mikie. I think we all have a spiritual nature. I'm so glad you are in love with life! It's our most important possession, without it we wouldn't be alive! I love you honey, you made my day yesterday!

Amy Beatty said...

Love YOU!