Monday, March 9, 2009

If I had 15 million dollars...

I would put the whole bloody amount on hold and only slightly alter my current circumstances. Here's how:

1 - Buy a big warm country home with stairs, a field and a large fireplace.
2 - Sit in front of the fireplace with my blub watching old Shakespeare films with subtitles until the night runs into dawn. (Interchanging the films with episodes of cool shows.)
3 - Go to the doctor a million times a day, repairing my peace of mind.
4 - Not go to work today, tomorrow or the next two following.
5 - Sleep and sleep and heal and heal.
6 - Bewed the fox.
7 - Sing softly and loudly
8 - Feel so damn good and warm
9 - Run around in the grass
10 - Swim to my heart's content

Is 27 going to be this archaic? I hope so, because this is what I currently want. Today, March 8 2009. And I have no qualms.


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