Sunday, March 8, 2009


You know, it's an amazing thing what mystery can do to our senses.
When something goes wrong with our bodies, inside or out, it's absolutely a task to determine the difference between Actual-Physical-Problem and Anxiety-Induced-Problem.
I write this because over the past few days I have been in an unfriendly bout of total and utter physical hypochondria. (I don't know if I'm using this word correctly, but let's just say that I am.) Basically, I had a physical mishap last Wednesday night, and since then I have unfortunately diagnosed myself with every problem from Brain Tumors to Kidney Failure, to Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
Stupidly, it's more serious to me than it sounds on the outside. I think because I don't know what could have gone wrong, I find myself almost subconsciously desperately seeking for any clue as to what could be wrong - the result is a way-overawareness of everything that happens in the body, and sometimes the brain will literally create a response or feeling that I think could happen, it's ridiculous.
So now I'm gearing up for a short day's work at Rosie McCann's for brunch. It's Sunday. I'm very much alive, and probably healthier than I give myself credit for.
Here's the problem with modern medicine: the Fear Factor. Look at those dudes in Africa and the like who have 30-pound tumors growing from their eyeballs! How do they survive that long? They don't participate in this growing world of fear that surrounds everything having to do with modern medicine. And here I am stuck in the middle, wishing I could just quickly hire a doctor to fix whatever trauma my body is or isn't facing, while also wishing I could rid myself of all anxiety and just keep on living worry free.

What to do? go to work. Seeya folks



heather said... probably just need to focus on obsessing over something else! you are a very very healthy person. i think we (americans, beattys?) are overly aware of every tiny little discomfort in our bodies. go see the wrestler. not to say you should ignore serious problems but it sounds like you should just focus on having a nice happy busy day! love you kid.

Mikie Beatty said...

Currently I'm experiencing: Liver Disease, Pancreatitis, Kidney Failure, and all the side effects of all of these.

Meaning, my body aches in all kinds of ways. I'm tired from working. I can't focus on anything. My head is cloudy after eating and my stomach hurts a little bit from the mexican food.

Sound like Liver Disease. Excellent.

Papa Dan said...

Mikie I love you and want the best for you so here goes, look for ways you can help or serve others in some small way. It makes all the difference. You are a healthy human specimen is my opinion and have nothing to worry about. See the doc if necessary to get you back on track. You are loved my many--now love yourself by taking your mind off yourself.