Sunday, January 24, 2010


The mind creates a reality that would otherwise never have existed. Duhr.


You fall in love with someone in 8th grade. For years you have a jones for them, but you never have the courage to ask them out on a date or a smooch or whatever. The result: after they're married at 23 to their high school boyfriend, you spend the rest of your life slightly emptier because of it.

What's significant about this scenario? NOTHING. There is nothing significant, because the whole idea simply does not exist! (except within your own personal brain). Nobody but you will ever experience it. They might have their own crushes, but if you think about it - yours is unique to you, and literally holds NO bearing on reality whatsoever.

The Problem: the brain creates scenarios, believes them, and then attacks you with 'truths' accordingly.

Example: You've run out of money and you have to live with your parents at 24. Society says NOT COOL, and so you spend the next three months in a depressed state of self-deprication, feeling helpless and childlike. The reality? Not this. The reality is that you're living with two older humans who birthed you at some point, and may actually enjoy your company more than your abandoned roommate. No emotions, no sadness, no depression, just simple empirical fact.

Why is this a problem? Because we believe ourselves. We get depressed over make-believe notions in our mind. We think we're failures based on standards that we probably got from childrens' stories written in the 50's. Still, we treat our imagined realities like they are true, real and actual situations.

Still, why is it a problem? Here's my theory: Living is pretty basic - we need few things in order to survive. Anything put on top of that is superfluous, extra, contrived, figments of our imaginations.

So is it ok to live a whole life based on our imaginations?
Absolutely. Definitely. Kind of. I'm not sure. I think so.

Imagine if you treated Lord of the Rings like some do the Bible? (I say this because I used to) in actuality, it's not that much different. Both talk about a past Earth that is full of lessons and mythologies. So is this OK? society may not say so, but I do.
It is a human problem, and we hardly understand any of it yet.

I love my imagination. I worship my ability to create realities in my head and then live by them faithfully, creating literal truth from what was once only an idea. What I don't like are the realities that others have created and then impose upon us as if they were truth. There are realities that have haunted me because I was told them, believed them, questioned them then stopped believing them, and then fear that in stopping believing I will someday find myself way in the wrong. There are realities I have been told that make absolutely no sense, and the only reason I believe them is because everybody else does too. There are realities that I live and experience and still don't know if they are true.

What reality to believe? Which to follow? My heart shifts so much that I have to continually convince it of what is constant.

I guess the point of me writing this is to say that I am heavily in love with so much and it occasionally frightens me. Love is my personal reality.
and do I love. I love with all my heart.
That's all I have to say for now. What a weird day



moonshinejunkyard said...

yay migs! i love love. i love to love so much your heart overflows and you have to sing it out and dance it out and fly around loving so purely and grandly that it is ridiculous to some, but that's imagined too. you're amazing brother of mine. i miss you! keep it up with that wildly romantic in the real way soul of yours.

laurel said...

honest. thougtful. beautiful. yes. and this is just the right kind of fuel to my fire at this moment.