Saturday, January 9, 2010

Beatty Trait #13:

Beattytime. Noun. 1. Described as the actual time of arrival when compared to a previously anticipated time of arrival. Example, Mikie says he will arrive in approximately 15, which in Beattytime translates to 45 minutes, and occasionally an hour. 2. Absurd promptness, to the point of being annoyingly early. Example, Mikie, being on Beattytime, arrived on-set an hour and a half before his call time because he was worried he would hit traffic. 3. Method for planning and time management. Example, The Beatty's knew it would take 18 hours to travel between Placerville, California and Missoula, Montana. Therefore, 25 hours of driving time was allotted for the journey in order to compensate for Beattytime.

Synonyms for Beattytime:
late. tardy. really late. always-excusably late. dependably independable. dicking off. dilly-dally. time-wasting. "there's 15 minutes of previews". "I'm right around the corner". Gas-station-stops. Sidetracked. Easily Distracted.
see also: Beattygaze or "The Heather Stare".

1 comment:

Hoodoo Voodoo said...

whoooaaahhssshiitt Mikie, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! HA! "Theres 15 minutes of previews" You nailed it.