Monday, June 8, 2009

Tis blog time

Ahh the wonders of a summer day. It's Monday, but it might as well be Saturday. The sun is warm and the wind is soft and refreshing. The leaves flutter in a dance of sparkles outside my window. My chest is covered with a half-exposed gooey bandage filled with yellow and pink hues. Outside the streets are posed in quiet worship of the June-lit sky. The solstice draws nearer and the days grow longer and smell green. My right eye fuzzes out any clarity of vision through a film of medication coating its globular organ. A pretty girl is outside basking in the sun, kissing her shoulders in peace and quiet. A soft ache pokes at my left shoulder from the needle and bump of a Tetnus shot, 24-hours old. The coffee is not too hot, the air not too cool, the plants are perky and my sense of being totally refreshed. Outside there is a pink Kia, resting in its place from two days ago when I pulled it up and cranked off its engine. Under its hood is a radiator cap sadly tightened against the hot metal, knowing that in the literal half-blink of an eye he changed his owner's entire week. Life is sweet. And the regeneration of life is sweeter. The fact that a living body, unlike the pink inanimate Kia, can "heal" itself when damage occurs, continues to totally captivate me with wonder to this day.
How incredulous an experience to witness a living body healing! The cells have to rebuild one at a time, splitting and halving and making millions of little copies of themselves to fill up skin. The dead cells shed themselves, the new ones fresh and hardened to my physical reality. Your only job is to eat nutrients so the cells have something to use, sleep, allow the cells to do their job, and protect the cells from any bacteria that might try to intrude. Not too hard a task.
So the sun is yellow and blue, and in about a week I'll be running around good as new.
It's difficult to see outside of bad things when they happen. The best medicine for me personally are words of comfort from someone who knows. Yesterday I remembered how much respect I have for doctors - they are the actual magicians of our time. I used to think acting was the coolest profession, but only because it's the coolest profession that I'd ever be able to do. I could never be a doctor, and so I give them my utmost respect. I mean, how can you not totally give your life to an aged Russian man with a thick accent who's run a pharmacy for 40 years and looks at you with sunken, knowledgable eyes? Like an Obi Wan Kenobe of 2009, doctors are the real Jedi Masters.
Anyway, I love the summertime and I love my body.
Maybe I'll be nicer to you, you giant working organ of Life.

1 comment:

Papa Dan said...

How the body heals itself is miraculous. All you have to do is watch and PONDER the process of body self healing to know how little mankind really understands about life. (the depths of life that is) I don't pretend to be a doctor or scientist or even close to having that kind of knowledge, but I think science only recognizes the mechanics of healing and not what initiates that process.(what instructs that process to take place) Something we may never scientifically understand in this lifetime.