Thursday, June 11, 2009

Early Summer 09

Yo. It's thursday. So I just got back to Santa Cruz from a crazy weekend in the Ville and other such places. A few things happened, that I don't know better how to recall than by showing a few pictures.
I guess I can just say this: nothing beats good friends and memory-making injuries. Seriously. I left last weekend having no idea what I was going to do with my time, and now I'm back with a basket of crap and memories to drop in my bottomless well.
I'll organize this into a few important tidbits.

Taking off on the road, I flew like the wind in my little Kia. I'll briefly skip over the part where I opened my radiator cap when it was too hot and burned my chest and face like a loser, and frantically drove to Vacaville where I spent two days in recovery under the careful guidance of one Miss Candice Fox. I still had time on my burning drive to photograph a factory or two.

Lucy took to me this weekend in Vacaville. I don't know who's more mesmerized by the other, me or her.

A day later I find myself standing on Salmon Falls bridge, bandaged and watching a 22-year-old brohem leap with abandon.

Can you pick my sister out on the rocks? Yeah, she's there.

This trip was proceeded by a long drawn-out thought process involving art, and the rite of passage threshold that is Salmon Falls Bridge. Back in Placerville, there wasn't a moment to lose in looking for our lost Deets. His stubbornness, likely due to a new addition to the JEHD household, has left him emancipated for too long. So we've set out a search party that's as heavy-handed and hopeful as the Spanish inquisition.

This little vermicious kinid is likely the root of the problem.

Besides the troubles, Placerville is undoubtedly a lovely, fantastical and strangely comforting mix of man and nature.

As well as haunting. Check out this man-with-hanging-arms bush.

And so I came home last night, after a radical viewing of the new and excellent film The Hangover. Briefly, let me just say that this movie is deserving of an entire blog all unto itself..which is something I may do shortly. In brief, it made me realize I need more friends and a lot less care. Thank you Andy Bernard's character, and Bradley Cooper for being my new cinematic idol.
Adios amigos.

And Matt, this picture is for you


moonshinejunkyard said...

it's a serious burn but it is healing great! i like all the pictures and stories migs...especially the one of our search party. all the yellow and orange is in tribute to banj. it was good having you here.

mattbeatty said...

Wow, that's one nasty peely burn. You're getting good with the chest scarring injuries! I love that it's pink--bright pink--too.

Papa Dan said...

amongst nature pictures, Miguel, you always seem to add one picture that takes me aback, the first one a couple of blogs ago was what looked like puke in a silver tin structure (can't get that one out of my mind) and then this time some interesting pictures that proceed your 'in the pink' portrait. Mikie, your blogs are always interesting and memorable.

Amy Beatty said...

Mikie!!! I'm dying!

Papa Dan said...

You know I love you Mikie...I realize the pain you went and are going thru and burn pains are of the most excruciating kind. I hope you haven't been too miserable if you have returned to work. I am glad that your eye is healing and will be back to normal. That was the scary wound.