Sunday, May 31, 2009

Perty Morning

Hello world.
It's 10 in the morning, and I'm sitting in front of a little black and white screen in Mama's sweet-smelling abode in Placerville. The weather is warm, the sun shining, the streets empty, the cat asleep, and it's just fine. "Sure feels good" says the song that's playing over her little stereo. True, it does feel good. Kind of like a good night's sleep. Well, it was a good night's sleep.
I've been working a lot lately, and working is fun. I like my job a lot. I make good money, get to eat good food and work with some pretty fun people. This is new, since I used to do everything in my power to not have a job because I refused to acknowledge that a "job" job is even necessary. But we have to do something with our time, and since luck needs to be personally navigated 98% of the time, I found myself seeking out a job that I actually like and want to do.

So it's a beautiful day here in Placerville.

Meanwhile in Santa Cruz, I've decided to take a lot of pictures of stuff. Nice thing about picture-taking: it forces you on some incredible adventures. And I've been on some pretty sweet adventures as of late. It's been cold and dismal, but that isn't stoppin me from seeking out the fun and new, even if it hurts. So, it's been adventures for the sake of adventures, and to capture photographs of the world around me that nobody else gets to see.
Now here's some pictures.
I want to go to Mel's ASAP and get breakfast with Candice and Mom. Yum!

I want to go to Arizona. It smells like Arizona outside.

Pointless blog, I know. But I just wanted to do something. Hopefull it looks decent.


moonshinejunkyard said...

did you guys go to great america? i want to go! also i love all your photos EXCEPT the disgusting puke-on-a-mug one. yikes.

thanks for coming to mel's right after.

mattbeatty said...

Nice phots. That killer whale pic is cracking me up.

What's your job? Why don't I talk to you more often?