Thursday, May 14, 2009


They serve a valuable purpose in our web-driven, photo-obsessed world, and make me giddy as a schoolboy. What is it about any massive man-made structures that just takes my breath away? Especially bright white solemn domes, hanging in the sky like a mountain's cap watching over long stretches of landscape while gazing at the stars.If I could be a piece of architecture, it might be an observatory.


moonshinejunkyard said...

that's pretty rad, to think about what type of architecture you'd prefer to be. and this is one hell of a gorgeous observatory. i will have to ponder that myself. i think i'd like to be a log cabin or a bungalow in the middle of wildflowers.

Amy Beatty said...

Dude, that place is calling my name!

Susan said...

Mikie, I live that you wrote this about observatories, one of my favorite ever and is also from my childhood is the Palomar Observatory in Souther California. I've been there many times! It is amazing and world famous! Love you. Momma