Thursday, February 10, 2011

Working Hard or Hardly Working

Typical post-W shift:

Walked to Subway, watched the Blackeyed Peas be interviewed on a blue carpet, ate a sandwich, talked to Steve Earkle (Jalil White) laughed at the absurdity of pretty much everything, walked to Dillons, made a purchase and now I'm upstairs watching pool.

And a TV show on one of the many sportsbar screens.. OK Go just came on the stereo. There are hundreds of beautiful girls in this bar, none of which I can make eye-contact with, talk to and eventually smooch. So instead I'm watching this show - shot in HD. The actors, I'm watching quite closely, use such big facial expressions. Actors. What the heck are actors?! I could write a tome on my thoughts right now but I don't want to disclose quite yet my opinion on the sitch. Let's just say, the way actors "act" these days is funny to me - it's comedy just to see the pain and toil of it all.. for what? A shot at an audition where they can impress the right people? Really? My one opinion: It's the same as any profession: if, while you're working, you're not in LOVE with what you're doing (the people, place, product) then why do it?

I've been in love three times in my life. One of those is with acting/creating shows. I'm a child around the entertainment industry, I'm obsessed with it. I'm in love with performances, movies, creating stories in every way. That's how I know. Competely obsessed with actors and artistic visioneers. It amazes me.

Whatever your pursuit, I hope you're obsessed with it too. Because when you finally get to do it, you can never get enough of it. It's like kissing someone you've always wanted to kiss - you just don't want to stop.

Well this got weird. I'm going hoome!! Birthday party in 2 weeks? I think SO. Who wants to go? I cordially invite anybody who's reading this. :)

Details later, yo.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found my way over here from Heather's blog, and just wanted to say that this: "Because when you finally get to do it, you can never get enough of it. It's like kissing someone you've always wanted to kiss - you just don't want to stop," is veryvery good. You're so right.
