Sunday, October 31, 2010

Epic Yesterday

I'm sitting in my living room on my last morning at this house here in Pasadena. It's also Halloween, 2010.

Yesterday was an epic day - I don't know how familiar you are with the company Public Storage, but let me tell you they are a gold mine of excellent customer service and awesome locations. Their warehouses are like tri-story labyrinths from some 90's video game, with recurring hallways and a spooky concrete emptiness.

Concrete emptiness. That reminds me of valeting, something I rarely write about. I've been valeting on the side for about 10 months now, partially to make some extra $$ and partially because I secretly enjoy driving every vehicle ever been made, especially through the corridors and twists of our subterranean three-level garage. Sometimes when jogging back to the metal doors and stairwells that lead up into the motor court I find myself starkly alone, underground, surrounded by a concrete emptiness. It's such a strange thing, and so unique. There's pure silence, not unlike sitting on a mountaintop while powder is falling from the sky.. but it's the city's serenity. The only hint of life is an occasional distant echo of sirens, or some car alarm beeping armed two levels down. Running between the underground pillars, the further back you go the deeper you are locked in a silent prison of concrete. Next time you're surrounded by concrete on all 6 sides, stop and listen. It's an emptiness to recognize.

Yep, yesterday was epic, here's the list:
1) drove in the brisk morning beneath beautiful downtown LA to Ktown to pick up Karlee's awesome Ford truck
2) stopped by Sophie's house on the way back to swoop her up
3) fled to Pasadena for a rambunctious, anxiety-ridden moving-fest of craziness
4) Sophie politely listened to me rant and rave about all the crap I don't have enough time to accomplish
5) we moved all my stuff into my amazing 5x5 storage space (ironically numbered 365)
6) on the way a cop drove behind our unsecured mattress but we swiftly evaded him
7) we finished (hurray!) and I drove Sophie back home to Koreatown
8) she threw a rooftop pumpkin carving party and I made a picasso pumpkin
9) I was off again for a final show of ELEVATOR for the weekend
10) Show went spectacular
11) back to Ktown for a visit with Shane Patterson and Mariana, his incredible girlfriend
12) now on their rooftop talking about how 3D will never make it into the indie film world, unfortunately, and acting and such,
13) played charades and ping-pong and ate pumpkin hummus
14) drove to an undisclosed location to sleep. :) pretty swell day.

A HUGE thank you to Sophie Green ladies and gentlemen, for her saving my anxious skin in a time of need. She's amazing, this girl is the funniest, sweetest person this side of the Sierra Nevadas. If you don't know, now you do. Thanks Sophie. As they say in Brotown, you really did me a solid. Seriously, made my month. Thank you. :)

Now I have rehearsal for a new project I've barely touched on here called River. Let's just say, I'm excited to see this one out.. we have about 3 weeks left of pre-production, then we shoot it. Could be a whirlwind adventure in and of itself, so be on the lookout for River, a mumblecore film!

And I'm off. Adios

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