Thursday, October 7, 2010

tis the season for Pumpkin Patches

Lambardi Farms. Excellent day, finally got to visit a pumpkin patch. Me and Sophie went up to Santa Clarita and had an epic day, from the journey up through the slushing rain, to the place itself, to coming back with Dan and making exotically delicious homemade pizzas and salad at my place - I could use these days more often. Check this awesome pumpkin-ridden place out.

Michael Jackson was there. Dead of course.

Here's Sophie petting a godlike creature on the hill

I think Inglehart was trying to tell us something.

googly-woogly eyes, I believe was Sophie's technical term for this scary crow scarecrow

Another scarecrow, probably one of the cooler images I've seen in a while. Grand Prize winner, even.

Check out this red car

Zhulga the scarecrow viking was depressed by the muddy grey skies. I cheered her up with several huge wet kisses on those perky lips. (not really) (well maybe) (no, honestly not really) (well... maybe)

I ate a starchy pear. Made my teeth kind of flare up

At the end of the day, I don't understand why people don't think Los Angeles is a beautiful city. This is from Sophie's roof this afternoon.

There's plenty more photos, but I'm too tired to mess with them. So there, my first pumpkin patch adventures for this Fall. Look for more in the near future, I'm gonna make this happen again soooooon


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