Friday, April 9, 2010

There's so much beauty it'll make y'cry

Last night I greeted David Spade and couldn't remember his name, but played it off. He was shorter than me, with a little goatee, and as I was opening his car door I knew somebody interesting was about to step out.

Is that to say that anybody else I greet isn't interesting? Nah, just that in my short-lived celebrity-loving life, he (David Spade) is one of the lucky ones that actually made it deeper into my subconscious than the impenetrable surface.

It's summertime. I can feel a warm breeze blowing through my mesh window, the sun illuminating tops of buildings and swaying palm leaves. My white shorts over tan, hairy legs crossed, on my queen-sized mattress. It is summertime, starting now.

I also greeted Audrina Patridge yesterday, a girl I've had a little celebrity crush on for a little over a year. She stepped out of her white Mercedes and I was like, 'hmm...' so I walked over to see if my suspicion was correct. David Spade had nothin on her, and for once since Wes Anderson I was admittedly starstruck.
Of course when she was walking back to retrieve her car I made sure I was the one running down the three flights of subterranean stairs to pick up her keys and bring her car back to her. I remember getting in her door, sitting in the seat and thinking, "wow. I idolized this girl from Santa Cruz while seeing her on television, and now I'm sitting in her car." I enjoyed the little moment of serendipity and then took it up to her and her friend. She told me to hold on and ventured through her vehicle to grab two bucks for a tip. I was subtle but beaming. I said goodbye, and that was that.

Modest Mouse does something to me. If you're not a listener of Modest Mouse, I recommend starting out as soon as you get a chance. I don't know which album would be best to help assimilate their "different" style into a conventional life, maybe pick a few songs from iTunes that are their bigger hits, since they're more easily accessible to the un-Modest-Mouse-tuned ear. But once you get the hang of their swinging, changing tones and melodies, their screech and harmonize vocals, you might start to recognize the absolute brilliant consistency through which these guys much of the music is driven by the lyrics, rather than the other way around. In my small amount of education for the timelessness quality in human creation, when it comes to music and movies/TV the longest-lasting (albeit best) stuff starts with the lyrics or dialogue. And goes from there. Shakespeare had almost nothing but dialogue. The Beatles were all lyrics to melodies. Decemberists, perfect example. Lady GaGa lives and breaths by her lyrics; they drive her music into existence. Modest Mouse is an artistic group that makes music because they are poets who can put their words to fantastical melodic dissonance. I am in love with what they create, as I am with any true poet who goes beyond the boundaries of just the well-written word.

Guess I'm going on a cruise next month. My other employer gave me a phone call yesterday to confirm, and now it's set. Good thing I got a passport when I did, as odd as it seemed at the time. Talk about serendipity, isn't it funny how you find yourself doing things that don't always make sense at the time but you have this inkling that later on down the line you will have needed to do it for some reason, so you do. Story of my life, doing things that don't seem like they make sense in the moment but later on are greeted with "Ahhhh. THAT'S why I needed to do that." You know?

Well my anonymous reader made a pretty solid point in their comment (for which I thank them whole-heartedly) about variety. If you're reading this, I suggest you read their comment as well, on my previous post. So I'll stick with my variety for now, maybe cling to a lack of specificity for a little while longer. Too much beauty to pass anything up, might as well notice it all.

Well California is amazingly beautiful today. Wherever you are in the world, I hope it's just as. Here's to meeting celebrity crushes, aged stars, booking cruises, parking cars, music makers, making a living and having an iPhone.
Yes, buying the iPhone was one of the smartest and most exciting purchases of my recent life. Just next to drinking at Dillon's after work and chatting with the bartenders. ;-)

Alrighty, you should be outside. as should I.


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