Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One Hundred and Fifty Percent

Remember back in the day when everything we did was the biggest, hardest and most important thing we've ever done? Yeah well not much changed. Every day when you wake up in the morning you consciously or not make a series of events occur that will affect everybody around you forever, simply by getting and up and living. You create your reality, and others witness it. Pretty incredible. What if you inherently knew that you were destined for great things? What if you knew what you've always known since you were little, that You will someday be the mover and shaker for some of the greatest events known to mankind? The actions you will take will affect hundreds, millions of people around the world! Just like when you wake up in the morning and begin creating your life each day, so can you wake up in your life and begin creating changes in society for the good, every day, with all the good things you do! Have you began it?
we are all on a journey through the thickest mud and most treacherous waters. We have our friendships to help us with their flashlights and our enemies to chase us from behind. Society is a flooding river from a flash storm, and with only our bodies, words, hopes and dreams can we save the place we came from, from where we shall someday return.
I believe in the 150% - I believe in not allowing our lives to be complacent because even if we choose complacency we can choose it at 150%!
whoever said that, thank you for the sound advice.
I hear you quiet and clear
Look out world, this boy's got a mission again,
let's shake sh*t up!


1 comment:

Susan said...

You are so right Mikie. We can choose each day what to make of it. Sometimes I wake up crying, but then I put on my book to listen to and buck up and get on with it. It's sunny today and I'm going to make Oey's little blanket and see what's going on with any kids that are left in town, and go down to Folsom to take Joey's watch to a repair place and see Adie and Heather off to Utah and just try to keep on truckin' as we said in the 60's. Wow, I've lived a long time, I couldn't believe the old face in the mirror this morning. I miss you being in Placerville honey and coming over and making breakfast and your energy just being in my house. Next time you come stay here. Nettie likes it too!
Get out there Mikie and do what you have to do. I know you can do anything you put your mind to!! Go for it!! I love you, Mom