Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bonnie quotes

Life isn't so bad. I mean, here are a few quotes from Bonnie Gillespie (author of a book I've been reading on-and-off for the past few months) that I think are really valuable with regards to what we're all doing here:

"bring something new to your abilites"
"I'm a firm believer that it's never too late to get started in something you truly believe in" (Denise Winsor)
"only compare yourself to you"
"To me the word 'maybe' means just that: It may be! Not: It may not be"
"There is no virtue in pessimism"
"Friends are not so into results"
"There are two types of people: those who live their dreams, and those who watch others living their dreams and feel resentment and jealousy over the fact that they can't do the same"
"Focus your energy on deep, true friendships that withstand all manner of career checkerboard jumps"
"Sure, dreams come true. But usually, they do so as the result of buttloads of legitimate hard work"
"I had an unquenchable case of wanderlust" (Pam Newlands)
"allow yourself the luxury of acclimating to not only the weather but to the pace of life, the food, the local culture, the traffic, and the currency" (Pam)
"It's all a matter of staying focused and enjoying the journey, wherever it takes you" (Pam)

These are but few. I'll write more later.

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