Friday, July 4, 2008

wanderful truth

Today is the 4th of July. At one point in history this day was representative of a day in time when us Americans would celebrate our independence from Great Mother England. Good for us. Now barely 200 years later our country is plummeting into a financial recess with no where to turn to but nature and the economy. Even Great Mother England laughs at her bastard child. Point is, I can eat all the cottage cheese I want but I'll still be lactose intolerant. When we go against nature it's one thing to celebrate it, it's another to remain blind. I say either embrace your dishonesty or don't go against nature. I mean, why hide bad gas if you knew what you ate was going to give it to you? Share that stench smiling, and live free with it! Love yourself fearlessly! This is liberation, to live without fear of ourselves and what we choose to believe in, or eat. It's what our country was once founded on - a knowledge of freedom for the true self, without fear.
When my mind wanders, it wonders about this freedom, about a way that is always based in happiness (the opposite of fear) and truth. It wonders about new and greater ways to tell the same old ageless colorless invaluable truth. Happy 4th everyone

1 comment:

Susan said...

Whoa Mikie you need to get some sleep, you went from our independence to cottage cheese to foul smelling gas. Hey I love this country and our freedom, that's what I have to say about the 4th of July, Happy 4th of July everyone, I'm putting up my flag today!! Love you all in the land of the free. A beautiful land I might add.