Monday, May 10, 2010

positive feedback

what happened to the man who refused to see life from someone else's point of view?

I think it's important to live and feel free, seek out joy and embrace new opportunities (especially the ones that slightly scare you), make friends and never forget any of them, look at the clouds often, smell the night air, remember everything, never be satisfied, never let yourself win for too long, go home when you're too tired, eat to feel good then use the food energy like your body was designed to do, play games and be fidgety, listen with your eyes, speak with your words, get naked whenever there's a chance for it, wash your hands, splash your face, don't take peoples' sh*t, apologize even if you don't mean it, drive fast when you feel like it, drive slow when you're not rushed, focus like every second is the most important second in history, kiss the mornings, sing into the nights, cry like a baby and film it, shake, scream, laugh, hurt, dance, open your eyes, get jokes, talk to your family, never give up, never 'try', get really close to the ground and touch it, know poison oak leaves, don't do drugs, love someone, sunsoak you skin, bathe regularly, pay attention, sleep, eat, discipline yourself, steal from the rich and give to the poor, stand up for noble and honorable causes, be active in pursuing those causes, confront your dragons, have aha! moments, quit your job, jump off a bridge, get made fun of, contradict yourself, be embarrassed, be a servant, deconstruct the social world that raised you from infancy, study foreign religions, believe in equality, love nature, make music, hug fully and comfortably, take nothing seriously, receive positive feedback and constructive criticism, have an opinion, forget everything you ever knew, know you know nothing, pick a direction and go for it.


Whitney said...

My hubbs would agree with you on the never 'try' statement. If I ever say that his response is, "I don't want you to try. I want you to do it." lol

moonshinejunkyard said...

i love that you put "don't do drugs." yeah...that'll really slow you down on all this. now there are two that i don't agree with, NEVER drive fast cause life is too precious and cars are dumb and second, don't apologize unless you really do mean it. cause if you do, it's sort of like "trying" to make up with someone without truth, because the apology is empty. anyway all the rest are rad and i love your zest and i love one about hugging comfortably and learning to see the structures around you from the inside out and studying world religions and loving. wish i could have seen you on cinco de mayo, dad showed me the pics and basically you and c were just glowing.

Mikie Beatty said...

ahh, I hate to disagree. Driving fast is a very enjoyable hobby of mine, and if you apologize even when you don't mean it it's great great practice for the times when you DO mean it.. you know? Think of it as a little psychology project - the more you take the blame for something, the more you'll mean it when it IS your fault. Also there's so much pride thickening up all of our relationships, I think the world could use way more apologies, false or not. No reason to walk on eggshells around the idea.

laurel said...

I so heart you mikie. and I say this because although I have already perhaps tipped some big sugary lumps of positive feedback your way it feels good to do because you touch the heart right at the tip of the spout where all the love wants to pour out and I have never been one to hold back where love is concerned. You are my friend even though it may be just a whispery fog of a friendship it's still a bit nice when I feel like I see eye to eye with you and I think I generally do. I like rhyming :)