I'm shaking inside like an earthquake
is rolling through my stomach and won't stop
sending wave after sickening wave
from my my neck through my legs, my fingers
quivering uncontrollably like I am standing scared
staring at an oncoming train in a blank state
My hands are twitching, their sad dance
reminding me the stab of quaking rolls won't go away
for what I've wasted, all that I have
tried and failed and lost, helplessly
I shake and quake waiting for the train..
Trailing behind in the wake my body won't stop shaking
sounds like you're detoxing. weird. you have quite the knack for turning a phrase by the way.
This sounds a bit gruesome, morbid, sad, defeated, pained, but also maybe a sense of healing in there somewhere. Let's help conquer this sadness . . . temporary, right? Right. That's how it always is. I think Heather nails it in that it's like detox a little. You're used to something, feeling something, expecting something, but it's dissipated or you can't find it and now you feel helpless to other forces, like the train. Loss, such a feeling of loss. You either need to find it or forget it or get used to it! You're awesome Mikie and you'll adapt. You're one of the most adaptable people I know! Good stuff, good catharsis, poetry is such a great way to feel through words, express complex feelings without needing a novel. Talent.
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