Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My plea for Thee!

The problem with this blog is that I write in in when I'm, sad, passionate or overtly happy. I need structure, a formula that I can fill and build upon. And so I'm reaching out to you. Do you have any ideas? I
mean, up to this point it's been a lot of rants. Human rants, personal rants, nature rants, love rants, you name it. But I wouldn't mind delivering for you guys in a way that you can mildly come to expect and enjoy the consistency of..right?

In brief, I need your help.

I need criticism. I am stagnant and need a direction to grow, I need to see a potential future for this thing, no more random rants. Think of me as a naked soul that must be clothed in style, and order. I just need a channel to limit my mind to so I can create within bounds and get something meaningful done.

Lend me an idea for a blog that would mean a bit more, to me and maybe others. Help me organize my thoughts into one specific realm that's even slightly predictable. Because nobody likes a wish-wash, and I understand that's sometimes what this blog (and the rest of my life) can be!

Got it? Help me organize. Give me some creative ideas to work from. I'm askin, don't be shy! Shred me a new future.

Thanks guys. Definitely appreciated.

Love Mikie


Todd said...

I think it works great the way it is. I do the same kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the guy above! Mikie, I've only met you once, but feel like I sort of, kind of know you through your blog.

I love reading your blog! I always ghost read people's blogs because, well that's just a favorite past time of mine. (That and reading celebrity blogs of course, but only when I am not reading about psychotherapy for school, or reading transcendentalist authors for my pleasure).

I digress! Your blogs are honest and refreshing! They are painful at times, but painfully beautiful too!

The way in which you write about your life and adventures is inspiring. Besides, what topic could one possibly write about forever?

J.G. says, "Variety's the source of joy below, From whence still fresh-revolving pleasures flow, In books and love the mind one end pursues, And only change the expiring flames renews."


JPR says, "Variety of mere nothings gives more pleasure than uniformity of something."


AB says, "Variety is the soul of pleasure."

~ From a satisfied reader.