Friday, November 7, 2008

some sweet song lyrics

they say a watched pot won't ever boil
well I closed my eyes and nothing changed
just some water getting hotter in the flames.

if you still want me, please forgive me
because the star is not within me

something filled my heart with nothing
someone told me not to cry
now that I'm older my heart's colder
and I can see that it's a lie

children wake up, hold your mistake up
before they turn the summer into dust
children don't grow up
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up
we're just a million little gods causing rainstorms
turning every good thing to rust
I guess we'll just have to adjust

with our ligtning bolts aglowing
I can see where I am goin to be when the reaper comes and touches my hand


mattbeatty said...

Wait, Arcade Fire meets Mikie?

Joseph Beatty said...

sweet comment matt, and true. these are rad mig.

Susan said...

Whoa, I just said "a watched pot never boils" on the last comment and then I went to your next blog (I'm going backward). Cool, Huh?